November 13, 2013

Our Tenth

Back in August, during our family journal writing time, E composed a piece of poetry to commemorate the 10 year anniversary of his proposal.
He shared it with me.

"Ode to the Faye"
10 years ago in a land far away
I proposed to my dearest Faye

Inspiration I received from a Native friend
As upon one knee I did humbly bend

The fountain exploded as words began to rush
I said a bit of this and some of that--it was all mush

I paused and waited would my heart be crushed
It was as if the earth and the air had been hushed

The response came, it was a yes
A big kiss ensued, could she ask for less

And that was the beginning of life that day
10 years ago in a land far away

How romantic is that to get an ode written to you. Well, not to you, but to me. :)
It's pretty cute that he put his rhyming skills to work. He is so sweet.

Last week we celebrated 10 years of marriage.
Ten years since this day in Arizona.

Can you believe it? Ten perfect years of fun and adventures and changes and good and bad and beautiful and ugly-- all wonderful years!

My sweet, sweet dad took time off of his work and traveled to us and faced his fear of stinky diapers and watched our kids for two whole days so we could celebrate. Praise to the dad!

It was the most relaxing two days I can remember. Oh my goodness, you can't go wrong when you stay at a place in which you can sit in mineral pools and saunas and dine on a 5 course breakfast all while overlooking a beautiful waterfall.

Our second night away we stayed in Bellevue so we spent the afternoon at Bellevue Square and then we were off to an iPic movie theater.

We woke up early the next morning and learned some things about temple work. Like, eat breakfast before you do sealings, but if you don't and you begin to pass out, they have a nice stash of emergency orange juice and a sweet lady who stays with you til you can walk on your own. Goodness I'm old.

We tried to do a little reflecting on our ten years together. I think we got as far as the fact that this has been the most busy, stressful year ever and that we have moved 6 times in 10 years and that we do love each other more these days than we did when we first got married. And then we moved on to more serious conversations, like Thor and E's facial hair and how stuffed we were from a five course breakfast.

Looking forward to the next 10 years! And many more 10's after that.

Andrea said...

Happy Belated Anniversary!!! Its crazy how fast your 10 years seemed to go (at least to me!) I remember hanging out at your parents house with Stef and getting to meet the "newlyweds" 9 years ago.

Stefanie Hyer said...

10 years is crazy! I used to think that after 10 years I wouldn't remember anyone from 10 years ago and it was a LONG time! Well... it goes by faster than I thought! And I remember ALOT! So happy for you and E! Yay!