June 15, 2013

Filled with Field Trips

The last month of school 
means fun field trips.

Preschool went to the zoo.

Kyler's class went to an art museum and made books.
By far, this was the easiest field trip I've ever chaperoned!
Third graders, two adults for every three kids, and we stayed as one big group through the tour and activities.

 L goes on her own field trips to get the mail 
a few times each week. 
And sometimes she insists on dressing her head like this.

But usually she just moseys along, picking flowers and blowing dandelions.

Kacin went on an awesome field trip, too. 
Except I didn't get to go. :(
So I don't have pictures of him making toys with his class.
Instead here is a picture of him eating chips and salsa.

And to round this post off,
I'll throw in a picture of D.
D in L's sparkly headband.

AnneMarie said...

Kyler and Kacin are getting so grown up! Love seeing all your family :)