May 24, 2013

Little Updates

L Belle
Her Loves:
-picking flowers
-checking on the chickens
-being held and snuggled
-paper and pens, pencils, or markers

Her Dislikes:
-dad going to work
-keeping pretties in her hair

This Little Girl Is:
-a comforter when anyone is upset or sad, giving hugs and kisses or bringing them a blanket
-spoiled by all of us, especially dad

Big D 

His Loves:
-cars and bikes to ride
-singing songs
-reading books
-bath time

His Dislikes:
-the stroller
-when we can't figure out what he needs (and boy does he show he is not happy . . .)

Recent Accomplishment: :) :) :)
-language increased from 3 words to 8 words

Kacin Man

His Loves:
-playing games
-throwing a ball with someone
-reading biographies
-cuddles at bedtime
-playing with friends

His Dislikes:
-all of his dr appointments
-when he isn't allowed outside to play

Currently Involved In:
-piano lessons
-art class
-running club
-Cub Scouts


His Loves:
-playing on the Ipad or Xbox
-playing 4 Square
-Star Wars and the Avengers

His Dislikes:
-wearing a raincoat
-getting his hair cut

In His Spare Time He Is:
-using up a whole ream of white paper making airplanes, ships, cups, boxes, star wars characters, etc.
-playing with his brothers and sister