May 1, 2013

Letters of Apology

I fear
my blog has lost all chronological order.
I jump from AZ a month ago
to yesterday
to last week
to half a year or more ago.

Well, from the clues of the letter
this is from Nov. 25, 2012.

It was a time
when the boys were in the backseat of the car
arguing and, apparently, hitting with ties
after church one Sunday.

Eric told them to go home and write notes of apology,
including three nice things about the other person.
And so write they did.

"Dear Kyler,
Sorry for hitting the tie at you and not listening to you. I like when on Thanksgiving you ate your whole plate. And I like that at Nov. 25 you were nice because when I was writing this you said you would turn on your radio. Then I like when you said on Nov. 24 that you would share your birthday presents.
(spelling and grammar somewhat fixed)

"Dear Kacin,
I'm sorry for hitting you with my tie. I know I shouldn't have done it, but I thought it was going to be funny, but it hurt you.
I like you because you have really good lego building skills. You help me build my new lego sets.
I also like you because you have great writing skill. I can read your writing without asking what it is.
I also like you because you are nice to me because you share your toys with me.
Kyler Allred"
(spelling and grammar somewhat fixed)

Ohhhh, boys.
You make me laugh.
I like you because you ate your whole plate on thanksgiving?!
Lego building skills?!
I can read your writing without asking what it is?!
My oh my.
Now those are quite the compliments.
All contention was long gone after these notes.