July 14, 2011

Playland Tour

When my children grow up
and look back on their childhood,
they will either think their mother was
brilliant, genius, and awesome
totally cuckoo and completely nuts.
I had plans to get out today and enjoy this cool park in the area.
weather is
Instead of a day in the sun,
it was a day under the golden arches--
A McDonald's Playland Tour!

I like McDonalds about as much as I like cleaning the bathroom
blech blech blech
but the fact that I could bring a book along on this outing
was very appealing to me.
I grabbed handfuls of change from the jar
(one cuckoo part of my motherness . . .)
and we went on a progressive playland tour.
We ended up spending almost 3 hours
(including driving time and a quick trip to the store)
at 3 different McDonald's.
At the first McD's, we counted out our coins for cheeseburgers.
At the next McDonald's, we ordered up some fries.
At the last McD's, we tried out a parfait.
At the end, we voted on our favorite playland.
And I had finished half of my book.
A golden afternoon under those golden arches!

The Kovar Family said...

You are not crazy... we've done a tour of the playlands before too. Some of them are really fun... Charlie's favorite is the one on the corner of Seattle Hill and Bothell-Everett Highway. I am sure that Kyler and Kacin had a great time!

Stefanie Hyer said...

That sounds fun! Awesome idea!