July 17, 2011


It all ends.
Harry Potter and my 26th year.

We got a babysitter and E took the afternoon off
to celebrate my 27th birthday
by watching the final Harry Potter.
Hooray for free movies on your birthday!

 The rain ruined our plans to spend the evening outdoors,
so we improvised with
"party games"
AKA torture.
My mom sent edible yumminess for us to enjoy.
To keep it fresh and cold,
the company packed it with 4 ice packs.

So someone in our family came up with this
terrible idea
to see who could keep the freezing ice pack under their head the longest.
It was so cold it burned.
Kyler was so tough and so competitive,
he won this round.

The next challenge was to lay on your stomach
with the icepack on your skin.
Our poor tummies were so red when we were done,
And Kacin triumphed this time.

And then came the foot challenge.
After 20 minutes,
it came down to me and Kyler.
So Eric added another icepack on top of our foot.
Our feet were in pain until
I finally bribed Kyler with 5 Sour Patch candies
to step off
so I could claim a victory.

And this is how my 27th year began.
Stefanie Hyer said...

=) I love it! You guys are so creative! I never can think of fun random stuff to do! It looks so fun! How was the rest of your birthday???

Suzanne said...

You guys sure know how to celebrate! Cracks me up that your boys were so competitive even with pain involved.