June 1, 2011

Wallace Falls

I'm starting to worry about our goal to hike all 25 hikes out of our local hiking guide by the end of the year. We have 18 left and so we gotta get going on this. . . It worked out that it stopped raining on Memorial Day Monday so we could get out for a longer hike. We went to Wallace Falls and thought it was beautiful. Very crowded. But beautiful. I am just so impressed with our tough boys who hiked the almost 6 miles, and did it at a really fast pace. We were passing people on the way up and on the way down. The last mile and a half, Kacin started to drag. I kept him entertained with versions of Goldilocks and the Three Bears and The Three Little Pigs. I threw in a spiel at the end of each story about how they had made mistakes but repented and changed. Kyler asked if every story had to end in repentance. So I tried to leave that part off when I got to Little Red Riding Hood's tale. But Kyler said I hadn't finished. She still needed to repent.

Wallace Falls . . .

Stefanie Hyer said...

That's awesome! You guys are amazing!

Darcee said...

Such a good mommy!