September 2, 2010

Another Trip to Arizona

I hope someday soon we'll be visiting
for a happier reason,
but we're glad
we got to spend a few days there.
On our way . . .
we are becoming experts at airports and on planes.
Kyler and Grandpa loved spending time with each other.
Grandpa told Eric that Kyler was a real thinker
and he knew he would grow up to be a really good boy.
Torture . . .
or was he begging to hang upside down on the inversion table
Saguaro Lake . . .
Stefanie Hyer said...

Awe so pretty! I wish that we had extra time to spend there and enjoy a "vacation" instead of a hectic "we need to see who when, quick quick quick" But I'm glad you guys got to do more of a relaxed version! Start the Texas planning soon! I can hardly wait! The boys will love the airplanes!