August 14, 2010


Eric took a day off.
We went to the zoo, zoo, zoo
and spent some time with the
Elephants . . .
Komodo dragons . . .
Orangutans . . .
Birds . . .
They (not me) had the best time feeding the birds. The birds flew all around (too many of them) and you held up a stick for them to eat from and they'd come land on you (so I made a quick exit).
Penguins . . .
Kyler the Model . . .
He asked me to take his picture again.
Who even taught him to model like this?
A good day at the zoo, zoo, zoo.
Stefanie Hyer said...

Haha... that was me when I was young... modeling EVERYWHERE... it won't stop for awhile Laura! Enjoy!

mommy said...

lol i was just going to say, c'mon laura we all know you taught him to model... but maybe it was stefanie!

nancy said...

Nice way to spend a day off.