August 19, 2010

Fire Station

After much anticipation,
on Kacin's side,
the time came to visit
The Fire Station.
We had a pleasant tour
from four friendly firefighters
and saw the inside of the fire station,
the firefighter garb,
and the firetruck--
the firetruck with the 110 foot ladder.
Fireman Tony climbed to the top for us.
The boys (mine and our neighbor friends)
were thrilled with the experience
and inquisitive
and absolutely enthralled.
Kacin was sure
that he would get to turn on the lights and drive the firetruck.
Why did I even doubt and try to prepare him for the worst?
With his faith,
and those glasses and that face,
Of course,
Which made for some big smiles.
AnneMarie said...


Barb said...

I love you and those incredibly cute, smart and very cute boys!

Stefanie Hyer said...

That is so cool! What an experience!

mommy said...

how fun! that's been on my list of things to do.

nancy said...

Love the pictures! Kacin and Kyler