November 29, 2008

Christmas is Here

I learned something new about Eric this year. He grumbled and complained about putting Christmas lights up. Finally, he admitted his fear . . . of roofs! I never knew. . . He overcame his fear and did it though. He's very brave. :) And Kacin was there every minute watching and yelling to him. Kacin wouldn't let daddy out of sight. Eric (and Kacin) did a very nice job of putting our lights up. I was impressed with the star Eric made below our window.

Then we decorated our Christmas tree!

And each other!!

Christmas is finally here!
Holly Janeen said...

aw !!!
how cute are you!!!
love it all...
i am so jealous that you have a house to decorate :)

My Independence Day said...

Laura!!!!!!! Oh my heck you look so good! I am so happy for you guys!!! I love you so much and I have missed you alot!