February 7, 2023

Brinn’s hospital stay

Brinn had another hospital stay. Her fourth stay, and it doesn’t get any easier.

This time it was “just” asthma. At least without RSV or influenza, treatment was less intense and she bounced back much faster.

But we started with hours of breathing treatments in the ER.

She loves the dragon mask because she can stick a straw through the hole and still drink.

After x-rays and tests, it was diagnosed as an asthma attack.

But she was admitted for two nights. Poor thing. Layla sent her with her pig. I loved when brinna gave the stuffie breathing treatments just like she was getting.

When she got her x-ray, they gave her a scooby door sticker. Which triggered an obsession with the need for Scooby doo snacks. It went as far as to tell me before we fell asleep she hoped we both had dreams of a giant bowl of Scooby doo snacks that we could jump into. And then she asked me if I dreamed about it as soon as we woke up in the morning. Dad delivered when he came the next day!!

The kids got to visit her in the evening on the second night. 

Sweet brother getting covered in stickers!

The biggest hugs for these best friends.

She was back home the next morning. And we were so relieved to have her home!!