October 15, 2022

June days

All the random pictures from June in one spot!

Layla made this car for Brinna. She played with it many times before we had to part ways with it.

Layla got her best time and a second place finish at a swim meet.

I knew these days were limited...the boys hanging out.

Brinn has an obsession with wigs and adores to try them all on and run around in them.

A night with more teens at our house...Eric was in some wrestling game with Kacin at the time while Kyler and his friend were trying to jump rope together using the longest string of rubberbands that Layla has ever made. They all took turns jumping rope with it eventually.

We had a little mom and some kids adventure. The problem with waiting to document this until 4 months later is that I do not even remember why. But sure looks like a great time!

Layla and I got invited to see the play "Come From Away" at gammage. I had no idea what it was about before going but we loved it so much!!

Love these friends so much!

Eric and I had so much fun with Mandi and Ben at the AJR concert!! Such a fun one.

Brinn and Layla did a dance camp at a friends house and this Minnie mouse outfit was Brinn's pick one of the days.

More swim meets for Layla!

Perry had a meltdown and dumped out all of Layla's Loom bands she had just used her own money to buy. This what a thousand loom bands on the stairs looks like.

He spent the next few days picking said bands up and sorting them back into colors.

I love seeing my kids enjoying books. I'm glad I snapped this picture of Brinn just before bed.

I took the kids to see Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. 

Snuggles with Brinn girl. Oh how I love this wild child.