April 1, 2022

a woman's voice

This morning Brinna and I climbed into my bed after the older kids all went to school. She held up her little hand and wanted to match it up with mine. Then she asked to match up our noses which led to a fit of belly laughter. 

We spent the next five minutes pretending to sleep while we took turns shouting "boo" at each other to make the other person wake up with a jump. Brinn's laughter spreads out of her soul and fills a whole room with joy.

THAT is why I love being a mom. 

I went to book club last night and we discussed the book "The Woman They Could Not Silence" by Kate Morton. 

It reads more like a history book than a novel, but definitely not as dry as a text book. The author was able to use the exact words of Elizabeth throughout the book so you get to hear her true voice. I loved it. Because Elizabeth Packard is a woman whose character I can relate to. Her story--her life--is incredibly difficult yet her courage, her convictions, and her voice change the world for the better. 

She lived during the Civil War at a time when a married woman had no rights and no voice. She was the property of her husband and when he didn't like how her opinions were different than his and how she spoke out against him, her husband wrongly committed her to a asylum. She endured and saw so much abuse. But she knew "You can not kill a spirit, it lives after all you have done to destroy its existence." (Elizabeth Packard) So she carried on and overcame and did so much good.

"What is very singular in my case is that this woman crushing machinery works the wrong way. The true woman shines brighter and brighter under the process, instead of being strangled." (Elizabeth Packard)

She upheld truth no matter the consequence. She valued motherhood. She stood up for the oppressed. Even in difficult circumstances she was caring and serving. She was intelligent and wise. She didn't cower or change who she was. In fact, she knew her purpose and her assurity and confidence in her mission and in herself carried her boldly forward. She made mistakes and owned them. She used her influence and her story to bring about big changes. She was oh so forgiving, even to people who I didn't think deserved it.

What an incredible human she was! 

"Women are made to fly and soar, not to creep and crawl." 
-Elizabeth Packard

I believe that so strongly. As a woman, we can use our voice, our compassion, our wisdom, our empathy, our virtues, and our influence for so much good in this world. We women need to be vulnerable, supportive, and kind with each other. Yet we need to defend truth and righteousness and stand up for those who can't no matter where we are. 

We must use our voices for good.
The world needs us.
Someone needs you.