June 16, 2021

Newport for daaayyyssss

When we planned this trip, I couldn’t imagine what we would do for a whole week by the beach. Now I think that was the silliest thought I have ever had.

Long days at Disneyland or big excursions in a foreign city are my ideal vacation. But we have fallen into a rhythm here that I truly love.

A morning walk by myself along the sand
Coloring, games
Morning outing
Clean up from the beach
TV shows together
Sunset bike rides 
Downtime and to bed 

It really does make for happy days for all eight of us.

So Newport has my heart and I’ll be back.

Eric took the boys surfing for the first time.

The younger kids and I played at the house, cleaned up for family to arrive, and then went to the park. Layla led us in a Ninja Warrior course! We all took a turn and timed ourselves running the course. Layla impressed me with her skills.

Little B climbed in the bike with me for a two minute ride. And she promptly fell asleep. So I just kept riding with her for a long while. She gets some good sleep on the seat.

Layla showed us the sea foam she gathered on her hand.

K was happy as could be in her beach abode, but slept the majority of the time in Eric’s arms.

Family arrived!

These boys tried body surfing for a long time which is pretty impossible without fins.

More digging of bases and moats to protect bases.

I took these three on the most gorgeous sunset bike ride. 

Gray took these pictures. I was going to delete most of them, but it is a most accurate series of Brinn pictures. She smiles at you, places her hand on your cheek, and tells you how much she loves you. I love her.

This picture is nothing compared to what we saw in real life! Amazing sunset! I really could spend endless days here.