May 26, 2021

slow down, resolutions reminder

I’ve been on the go physically and mentally pretty much the entire month of May. Exhaustion is creeping in, I think. I felt it last night. I love to stay busy and involved, but I need a reminder to slow down. Remember, to slow down was one of my new year's resolutions. So this is my reminder to myself:
Slow down. All of the things you have been involved in, planned, and carried out have been good. Now it is good to carve out time to be home and renew yourself with rest and the dailiness of life. A few days to catch up on house responsibilities and sleep will do wonders for your soul and your body. 

I hope I listen to myself. There are just too many things I want to do, I guess. 

One thing that has really helped me stay grounded during this busy month has been a daily walk. I wake up so stiff and in pain from my daily cancer meds. So I start the day with a walk through the neighborhood by myself. I couple that time with spiritual study and pondering and catching up on Marco polos. It has been the perfect way for me to start the day right now. I feel connected to myself, God, and others. That’s a good place to be at the opening of a day. I will keep it up until the dreaded Arizona heat conquers the early mornings, too.

Since I am talking about slowing down, I think this is a good time to check in on my other resolutions for this year. I also resolved to be more deliberate with my time. It is empowering to be in control of your time. Oh geez, I’m not perfect. But I have made huge strides, especially when it comes to social media, to be the master of my time and not waste away with mindless, unnecessary pastimes. My downtime is more deliberately chosen now to help me truly rest.

And my goal to read 52 books? I am completely on track with 19 books, almost 20, already finished. I jump between audible, my kindle, and (my favorite) turn the pages books and I love it. Jump on Goodreads of you want to follow along with what I’ve been reading.

Slow down. Be deliberate with my time. Read more.