April 20, 2021

red chicken coop

The chicken coop got all fancied up.
Layla's first choice was pink.
That option was rejected by upper management (aka me).
Her second choice was barn red. 
So that's what we did.

It was a tad bigger project than was originally expected. 
Because the kids started painting the chicken wire red. 
Upper management wasn't ok with that either. 
All the chicken wire had to come off and then be put back on.

We also learned that some people are more careful with their painting than others. 
So that person got to do some touch ups. 
(I'm actually not even talking about the one who is pictured here haha).

But now the chickens have a beautiful red home to enjoy.

They are some very loved chickens.

Unfortunately, we had to say goodbye to the original two. 
Turns out they were roosters. 
That was a sad day.

 But we still have four happy chickens living the good life in a red coop in our backyard.