January 10, 2021

16th birthday

Happy 16th birthday to this amazing guy!!

Kacin is fun-loving, easygoing, loyal, resilient, strong, hard working, clever, sweet, loving, kind, patient, competitive, and an all around amazing human being!

Definitely a bit of a goofball. haha. And we love him for it.

I can't believe he is 16! Except I can. Because he is so ready. He is ready to drive and to date and embrace the world as a sixteen year old.

On the day of his birthday we took him and his friend (one of the few who weren't quarantined because of coronavirus) out to eat at Red Robin. His only request was bottomless fries. And that's what he got. Six baskets of fries!

And a birthday ice cream sunday to top it off.

He spent the rest of the day doing something he loves but that rarely ever happens in our home--watching football.

It must have been a really exciting game because all three of the football watchers fell sound asleep.

The girls helped me decorate a birthday cake for him after dinner.

And we opened his presents.

It was a simple, relaxing 16th birthday.

It's always tricky celebrating a birthday the day after Christmas. Which is why we got smart and planned a birthday surprise the week before!

We had Jacqui ask him to babysit to get him out of the house. Then all the teens showed up just before he got home. 


I thought for sure he had an idea that something was in the works. Since text messages were going around the week before his party, I was sure someone would accidentally say something. But he was oblivious to our plans, thank goodness, so we got a true surprise out of him. 

He does not like being the center of attention these days, but we needed a day to show him how cool we think he is.

Kyler made sure he felt like a king. ha!

They lifted him up in his chair as everyone sang to him.

Happy birthday, Kacin!!

We played a game of pass the parcel. In case you haven't played before, I set the game up by wrapping a bag of candy in a box in multiple layers of wrapping paper. On each layer was written a note with a task to perform. When the music came on, the parcel was passed around the group. When it stopped the person who had it had to open it and do whatever it said to do. There were things like sing rudolph the red nosed reindeer, get kacin to smile without touching him, catch popcorn in your mouth, etc.

This one was to give Kacin a santa beard with whipped cream.

These guys had to dance to a song.

Thank goodness they got some help with their dance moves.

While they gathered around the firepit outside, Kyler presented Kacin with a gift that he had been working hard on--a dating guide. He wrote out ten rules of dating and then listed a bunch of fun dating ideas. It was so great to watch him present the book and read the rules to everyone! Kacin and Kyler will be a fun pair to go on dates with that's for sure. 

In our family, we decided that before you get your driver's license you must participate in serving other people. Kyler had decided to join a club at school that works with kids at special needs (he is two years strong being a part of that group and has had some awesome experiences.) Kacin wasn't sure what he wanted to do. And when you wait until the last minute it gets kind of tricky to make it all happen. But on the eleventh hour, this guy served a lot of different people to show that service is part of who he is. He organized two trips to serve at feed my starving children, wrote letters to missionaries, used his own money and collected money from family to buy 10 pairs of shoes for specific boys at child crisis center, served with the salvation army to pass out toy donations, helped out at a church activity, made food bags with Layla and passed them out to homeless people on the street corners, and served our family in small ways, too. I'm so glad he had these varied experiences to give a little of himself to those around him!

So a few days after the holidays, we took him down for his road test and he passed!! We now officially have another driver in the house. So proud and excited for him!

Happy birthday to you, Kacin!! Love you so much.