November 1, 2020

trick or treats

Happy Halloween!

I had three adorable trick or treaters this year.

But before we get to trick or treating, let's start with the traditional homemade rootbeer. Kacin was the official rootbeer brewer this year. It was his first time doing it and he did a fabulous job!

The girls were fascinated by the dry ice.

We love this tradition that my mom began in my own childhood.

Layla was the only one who sat down to carve a pumpkin this year.

I love that this is Eric's tradition with his kids.

Spooky design, Layla Belle!

Once we had completed our halloween traditions it was time to dress up. Layla decided to be a butterfly this year. She was a very, beautiful butterfly. I do feel like I need to note that a butterfly was her second choice. Her first choice was Pinocchio. But when we couldn't figure out the costume she was imagining she got really excited about being a butterfly.

Then there was our little dragon. 

I thought for sure this Ariel/Elsa obsessed little girl would choose to dress up as one of those princesses for Halloween. I guess they are too commonplace since she wears their dresses just about every day! Because she started telling everyone that she was going to be a dragon for Halloween. I'm not even sure where that came from! I tried to convince her otherwise and to just go with the minnie mouse or cookie monster or princess costumes we have. But she was insistent that she was going to be a dragon. A friend noticed this costume at Target so I caved and let her be a dragon. 

I'm glad I got it for her because she loved everything about that dragon! She hugged it. She roared at people with it. She chased everyone around. And while she was trick or treating she lowered it's head to some water to give it a drink. It was so precious.

The dragon went after the butterfly!

My last trick or treater was Harry Potter.

Perry has been listening to the Harry Potter books on audible every night for the last couple of months. So this was the perfect costume for him this year!

E and I took the little kids out trick or treating and these guys stayed home to pass out candy. Which I learned was maybe not the best judgement call I've ever made. Let's just say the boys liked to be creative in how they passed out candy. 

Kyler had just gotten home from work, which is why he was filthy. He hung around for a little bit but then was off to a party.

This was the first year we went out without a stroller for her. 

The full moon made for a perfect  Halloween night!

The kids came home in stages. First, Brinna and I came back. Then after a few more blocks Perry had his fill of trick or treats. Layla went strong for a little while longer. They all came back with plenty of candy!

One of my favorite moments was sitting with Perry on the front porch reading him Halloween books. It felt so magical. When Brinna asked me to put her to bed, Eric took over the reading. When I came back, I snapped this picture from the front door. A moment I don't want to forget.

Happy Halloween!!