August 5, 2020

times like this

There are some pretty good coronavirus videos out there these days--the Holderness family, the Johnson Files, JP Sears, etc. So many good ones. It sure makes me laugh to see all of the emotions of coronavirus wrapped up into someone's short humorous clip about life these days. And we all laugh because they are on point. Masks, zoom calls, homeschooling, rollercoastering between anxiety and confidence--life is unlike anything we could've imagined.  And what can you do but either cry through it or laugh? I do tend to choose laughter. But in times like this, it actually seems more appropriate to do both. Hopefully it's just because we are laughing so hard that we cry.

I'm writing today simply to remind myself about this thing called grace. I've been trying to figure out how to manage online school for four kids. Meeting all of their needs. While caring for a preschooler. And our home. And myself. and my medical appointments. I need to give myself a little grace. 

I read recently that "Grace is radical generosity." I need to give that to myself. And to everyone around me. But it's much harder to give it to myself. So that's why I need this reminder today. 

Be generous with mercy, love, forgiveness, and patience for myself. Come what may! In times like this, be generous with grace.

(side note, but the picture above is from our 2020 well child exams. Everyone is growing healthy and strong. Brinna remains on the small side in the 10th percentile for height and weight. I'm so grateful for medicine for the areas in which our bodies need some help. And we have such a good, knowledgeable  understanding doctor!)