August 18, 2020

the tortoises

We found a pet that we all agree on. 

Tortoises! Named Tuttle and Chomper.

Our next door neighbor has sulcata tortoises and they had babies on July 6. She so kindly gave us these two. Our kids are thrilled about that.

They are just tiny babies right now but they will grow up to be around 140 pounds. Huge! 

They will leave in the house for the next few years until they are big enough to go outside.

They get a lot of love.

Actually, it will be a bit of a miracle if they survive this little munchkin.

It was impossible to keep her away from them the first few days. Every time we turned our back she was all over them "watching with her eyeballs" which quickly turned into picking them up, poking their heads, or running through the house with them.

The novelty has worn off a bit and she understands better how we need to take care of them. But we still watch her like a hawk around these guys! We moved their tub up higher (to the stair landing actually) so she can't access them as easily. That helps, too. 

Everything about the tortoises has brought smiles to all the kids faces. Kacin, Layla, and Brinna give them the most attention though.

Do you think now the kids will stop bugging me for a dog?