February 25, 2020

Kacin is 15

Fifteen years ago this guy came to this earth.

And the world is a better place because of him, our family especially.

Kacin is tough as can be, but the absolute sweetest person. He is an incredible big brother and SO good with babies. He can be quiet and easygoing about some things yet energetic and the first in line for other things. He is brave and courageous. He stands up for what is right in small, pure ways. He has such a great sense of humor. He is a thinker and good at reminding me to slow down and be still. He is a loyal friend and carries himself with a quiet, confident strength. I love watching him grow and become who he is. I adore him with all of my heart.

With a birthday so close to christmas, it can be tricky to celebrate, but we arranged it so that we had a couple of hours to spend together with these three.

At red robin, Kacin wasn't so sure about the idea of them coming to sing to him..

But he smiled for the sundae.

Then we went to play some glow miniature golf.

His real treat wish was for Bahama Bucks (smart boy) so we stopped there, too.

Then we went bowling. Look at Layla and Kacin go!

There were a few more birthday celebrations to be had. We gathered with extended family to celebrate all of the december and January birthdays.

Then as a family, we celebrated Kacin and Eric together by singing happy birthday at home and giving them all of their gifts.

I just had to throw this on here because Kacin was pretty excited and took this picture to brag the day he got number one at Fortnite. He doesn't play video games too often, but when he does it is usually Fortnite with friends.

We haven't had a chance to celebrate his birthday with friends like we originally hoped to (Sorry December birthday boy!), but we love this fifteen year old more than we can say!! He has always been a light in my life and I'm so grateful he was born and that I get to be his mother.