February 26, 2020

And Eric is older, too

Kacin turned a year older and then two days later his dad did, too.

A letter to the birthday man:

Oh, Eric.
How much we adore you!
You have done so much work over this year to grow and become an even better father, husband, and contributer to the world. And you have done just that! You set some pretty specific and personal goals at the beginning of 2019 and it was inspiring to see you achieve them. You take time for each person in our family (including yourself) and you show us such great love. 
How fun it was to celebrate your birthday with free food all day long when you took each one of us out individually to share in your birthday treats. 
You are hardworking, humble, faithful, patient, wise, fun, easygoing, and always up for an adventure. 
We are the luckiest to have you!

We love you,