December 16, 2019

sunday walk to church

Since the weather turned and it’s finally nice outside, I walk to church most sundays.

Layla alternates between riding her scooter and walking next to me. Brinna happily rides along in her stroller. Kyler and Kacin protest too much about the idea of walking all the way there so they ride in the car with Eric. And Perry is traditionally my only companion on the way home—I push him in the wheelchair.

We get some of our energy out this way. And the sunshine and fresh air does wonders for my soul.

One Sunday, I was walking and Layla was up ahead. It had been a particularly hard week. Just some drama involving a youth leader in the ward and my children. I caught myself wondering why in the world I even go to church sometimes. Have you ever stopped to ask yourself something like that? To question something you always do? Going to church obviously doesn’t save you from drama or challenges or anything like that. But week after week I keep going. Why?

As I was walking, I pulled out my phone and made a list of what being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has given me. 
At the top of that list was hope.
Followed right away by a closer relationship with my Savior and the gift of the Holy Ghost
Then I added my understanding of who I am and why I am here on the earth.
Next came my understanding of agency and the atonement.
And the guidance from a living Prophet.

All of that gives me greater peace than anything the world can ever offer me.

I think that is why I keep going to the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It points me to my Savior and to feel his love and his direction for me.