December 21, 2019

Christmas tree

We pulled out the Christmas tree the day before Thanksgiving since the kids had the day off of school. It was Perry’s honor to place the first ornament on the tree this year. 

Then the decorating madness began and everyone jumped in to place the rest of the ornaments on the tree however they pleased. 

Kacin’s little hand has grown just a little since he made this handprint for the tree years ago.

Brinna was the star placer this year. (With both Eric and Kacin’s help. And Perry’s help to hold Kacin up).

I made a comment during the decorating about how nicely putting up the tree was going this year. Everyone was working together and I didn’t have to yell at anyone. We should’ve stopped right then and there while we were ahead, ha!

It’s tradition to take a family picture in front of the tree each year once we put it up. And this may be the most memorable picture we have taken yet. 

Because sometimes we fall apart and that is when the timer on the camera goes off. 

Good thing I love these guys just as much when we fall apart as when we have it together.