October 4, 2019

some work and service

Usually when Perry hears the words "work" or "chores" it sends him into a tizzy. Yes, like many people, work is something he likes to avoid.  However, we recently found a job that he loves to do. He gets so excited when it is time to clean the pool. He loves to scoop out the leaves and scrub the sides (as best as he can). E was out of town last week and he was so proud of himself for doing this job for dad. Our evenings are actually cooling off so it was a pretty pleasant time for both of us to be outside working in the backyard.

Perry also made cookies to give away. I can not even say how much I love seeing him working on a project like this, especially of his own accord with a happy attitude. Layla helped him make cards then they delivered them to some of our neighbors.

Perry also received an award at his school’s kindness assembly. He was chosen to receive the award for the quarter by his teacher. We are all so proud of his thoughtfulness and kindness to his peers and teachers.