September 19, 2019

Brinn's grin

That grin! She is usually in full on 'cheese" mode.

When we were newly weds I thought for sure I needed all my kids spaced two years apart. But I'm so grateful that the way my kids have come into my family has given us these big gaps. Brinna is so loved by her older siblings and they have such a special relationship. And having older kids is teaching me and allowing me to truly appreciate these days with my little one at home.

Brinna LOVES family night. She gets so excited when we tell her it is time to gather on the couch. I didn't know that Kyler took this when I was helping Brinna do her part during our family home evening. On our family rotation it was her turn to share her "testimony." I helped her tell everyone that she was a child of God and Heavenly Father loves her. That smile when she said those words!