September 16, 2019


Eric picked up my phone to play a song in the car and remarked on the fact that I have almost one thousand songs on my phone right now.

Well, a lot of dancing, singing, feeling, crying, running, laughing, and working has happened through that music. 

My favorite songs change every few days. Kyler and I swap a lot of music. He is currently on a 90s country music kick. Brinna requests Baby Shark over and over again (why in the world did she have to get introduced to that song?!). She also loves the “oh boy” song from Joy School. Layla has discovered Kids Bop—particularly the song “old town road.” Perry is still stuck on the Iron Man song by Black Sabbath. Kacin doesn’t usually care what music is on. And Eric is happy with the same music he listened to in high school.

I was thinking the other day about the music that kept me fighting during cancer. And then the music that helped me heal. There are so many more songs than this, but I narrowed it down to 20 songs that have made my favorites list when in need of inspiration and fighting during hard things.

I still love my Burn Cancer Burn playlist.

I had plans to put Layla in piano lessons this year. But I have felt such a strong pull to cut back on our classes and lessons. So instead of formal lessons I sit down with her a couple times each week for basic lessons. As she gets more advanced, and when we are ready to get more serious about it, I will start looking for another teacher. 

Brinna loves pounding away at the piano, too.

Layla has joined MCO this year. She came home the first day saying she is never going back and how dare I sign her up for that. After the second class, I caught her humming the music as she sat the dinner table. That gave me hope that it will be a really good experience with music for her this year.