February 13, 2019

catchy songs

We have been playing the new Lego movie 2 soundtrack on repeat since we saw the movie on saturday.

"This song's gonna get stuck inside your
This song's gonna get stuck inside your
This song's gonna get stuck inside your Head...
Cuz it's so catchy, catchy, it's such a catchy song
It'll make you happy, happy..."

That song may be partly totally obnoxious,
Music is powerful.

“My soul is always lifted up, and my spirit cheered and comforted, when I hear good music. I rejoice in it very much indeed.”
--President Joseph Fielding Smith

I'm not entirely sure that he was referring to the Lego Movie soundtrack when he said that in a conference, but all music has a powerful influence on our spirits and emotions. And there is plenty of good music out there.

Music has become an important part of our family. Not that we have any skill or talent in making beautiful music!! We definitely do not. But we have FUN.

(Ok, I guess I should say that most of us have a love for music. I sometimes think Eric just tolerates all of the dance parties at home and the blasting music in the car. But maybe deep down he loves it, too... Ha!)

Kyler and Kacin listen to songs to "pump themselves up" before a game or match.

Kyler listens to music to help himself focus while doing homework (I'm not convinced on this one, but he assures me it helps).

Perry hums to himself when he is in a good mood.

Brinnie loves to find the toys around the house that play music when you press the buttons and she dances to them. Her face lights up when we sing songs like "wheels on the bus" with her.

Layla falls asleep better at night after a song, usually Blackbird, and comes home happy after her music theater class.

I love blasting music in the car and dancing at stoplights. Music has brought me a lot of peace and comfort throughout my cancer treatments, too.

And of course a favorite family activity is our dance parties. Which I would do every night if I could. We don't worry what anyone thinks or how we look. We just dance.

We recently discovered karaoke. Another music activity that no one in our family is particularly good at (most of us can not carry a tune!), but is fun to do at home nevertheless. Before they left to the stake dance, we bribed these teenage boys with $5 for the best karaoke performance. We got some good ones! We didn't have to bribe Perry--he just wanted to sing Lego songs. :)

Music brings so much joy.

One of the reasons I wrote this now was because I was thinking about our 2019 family theme (and because the lego movie songs are truly stuck in my head), but I just realized I never introduced our new theme on here! Theme post coming soon...