December 24, 2018

Santa and other Christmas things

Merry Christmas Eve!

I am off to radiation in a few minutes. And then I have one last thing to buy and wrap before we start our Christmas Eve traditions. Like the untalent show—I love the untalent show every year.

Layla and Perry are especially looking forward to a visit from Santa tonight. They even tried to put our stockings out on the couches yesterday morning. And Layla talked nonstop yesterday about her plans to make Santa cookies and have them ready for him. Layla and Perry are at a Santa-crazed age. We have had many conversations about how Santa is a symbol of Christmas and reminds us of Jesus Christ. And that Santa is the spirit of giving and anyone who gives without a thought for recognition is Santa. Layla has been good about pointing out the nice Santa-like things people are doing—throwing candy canes when we were looking at Christmas lights, etc. 

Brinna, on the other hand, is not quite a fan of the jolly  St. Nick yet.

Perry’s love language is definitely gifts. He was wrapping the presents he bought from the dollar store for everyone. While he wrapped one for grandma, he told me “Grammie is so nice. She gives me presents because she loves me sooo much.” Unfortunately, he also equates bigger to better. He and Layla have been staring at the gifts under the Christmas tree since I starting putting them there two days ago. He says that Kacin’s gift to him is the best and he loves it the most and is so excited for it because it is the biggest. Ha!

We have had some great activities this December, but it hasn’t felt busy. Which is a nice thing. 

One of my favorite traditions is one we started when we moved here. But this is the first year Layla has been included. We went to see A Christmas Carol at the Hale theater.

Layla also had performances in her music theater, jazz, and tumbling classes.

We made “gingerbread” houses one afternoon.

We also went to Christmas on Comstock. It’s a street on Gilbert with a cool light display.

Layla’s favorite song this year is “12 Days of Christmas” and she has performed it for me many times.

Layla and Perry also performed quite the Rudolph Christmas play for us one afternoon with friends.

I joined the elementary kids for their one mile Polar Bear Run.

This little one is Christmas cute. And getting into things right before church.

And, lastly, here is our amazing light display on our home this year. Ha! It was my sad attempt. But it would’ve looked ok had I checked the lights before I put them up and realized half of them weren’t working. Next year!

*Well, I forgot to press post this morning. Our day didn’t go as planned, but it was still a good day. And now we are all ready for Santa to come tonight. There are some excited children around here so hopefully we will all get some sleep tonight! 

Merry Christmas!!!