October 11, 2018

flying with a circus

a bearded man,
a bald lady,
two teenage experts in balancing and pulling multiple suitcases and bags,
a little girl who loves to sing “blackbird” and hates to sit still,
the sweetest fireman Sam theme song humming autistic boy who likes things done a particular way,
and one baby who does tricks (“hi”, blow kisses, and peek-a-boo are her favorites)....
We were quite the 
7 man circus
making our way through the airport 
and then on an airplane
to washington.

With this many people,
and with so many needs,
it is a balancing act
to pack light,
but to make sure you bring everything you might need to entertain, to clean, and to feed.

We kept this one year old happy 
with snacks, 
a few duplos blocks, 
and Layla’s zuru hamster.
Eric and I passed her 
back and forth 
every 30 min 
and that worked well, too.

Oh yes, 
and she loved it 
when Eric held her up 
to press the light button.

The other four kids 
were grateful 
for candy, books and screens 
on the plane.

Kacin took this 
photo of mount rainier 
as we flew into Seattle! 
We were all so excited 
to be arriving 
in Washington 
(and to be getting off of the plane). 
It was a spectacular and welcoming sight!

We survived the flight
and we were so thrilled
to start our 11 day vacation
in a place that will 
hold a piece of our hearts—
Seattle, Washington.