September 11, 2018

and a baby

I’m kind of missing my monthly pictures of little B. It was fun having those little photo shoots on the first of every month to document how much she was growing and changing. She is over 13 months now. And I did not do a photo shoot to document that, but I can do a little update on all she is doing these days.

She pulls herself up everywhere and will cruise along the couch. She loves to practice walking (while clutching our fingers) back and forth between E and I. She will walk to one of us and then ask for “more” and we will do it again and again.

Grammie bought her a bear from build a bear. She sleeps with it in her crib now. 

She is in size 12 month clothes, but with some 9 month and 18 month mixed in.

She is still the most easygoing baby ever. Which works out well on my sick weeks because she gets passed around each day to friends who care for her when I can’t and Eric is working. (I’m so grateful for friends who are so willing to do that and love my baby girl).

She climbed under her crib the other day while we were playing in her room. I thought she would get upset because she was struggling to get out, but eventually she un-trapped herself and crawled back out.

 She has quite a few words now—dada, mama, hi, more, da (dog), ba (ball), done. She will repeat words we tell her to. She does this cute little approving laugh when we ask her if she wants her bottle or to read a book or to go to her crib. She clearly understands and it is adorable. She folds her hands together when it is time for prayer and I even heard her say “amen” at the end of the prayer yesterday. 

She loves playing with her toys and our living room is usually scattered with them. She also has her favorite kitchen cupboards she likes to play in when I am in the kitchen. 

She’s pretty cautious about the stairs. She took a small tumble down a couple of steps once and that has made her wary of going down when we are upstairs. She will occasionally start the climb up the stairs, but she is cautious and deliberate and we stay with her and she does fine.

She loves to play in this couch. Mostly she just opens and closes the blinds, but she also has a blast crawling back and forth. She’s pretty good about getting down safely, but we do have to stay right there with her. 

We are finding more foods that she will eat, but she is a picky one when it comes to meals. She does do better when she gets to help feed herself with a fork. She still lifts that leg when she eats in her high chair.

B loves books! She gets so excited to read her board books before nap times and bed. Occasionally she will also join us when I’m reading to the other children, too. I feel like that will happen a bit more often now that she is older. She really does love books.

Having a baby in our home sure brings a lot of love and connection in our family. It’s so fun to watch all the things she is learning and picking up each day. Her smile is so bright and we love our baby B so much.