October 11, 2016

those September days, some more

Layla and I went with a little group of moms and kids to the Great AZ Puppet Theater. We were entertained with a version of The Three Billy Goats Gruff. 

Layla also got school pictures taken. We had to choose between these cute shots.

E and I went out on a date to the Hale Theater. Before the show, we ate a yummy meal at Joe's BBQ.

One day we went to Target. All of the older boys in our family needed hair gel and deodorant. Perry wanted to get something to so I let him get a can of shaving cream to play with in the bathtub. Well, I didn't see that after we paid for the items, he sneaked the shaving cream out of the bag. And had a blast with it all the way home. By the time we got home, there was so much shaving cream absolutely everywhere! Our car smelled quite refreshing for a long time after.

Do you see his hand in that compartment? That's where he hid the can of shaving cream. And then later filled the compartment up with the cream.

The older boys have soccer practice a couple of nights each week. Layla and Perry loved playing at the park by their field one night. They were so proud of their climbing skills.

I got to go on a field trip with Perry and his class to serve at Feed My Starving Children. The kids worked so hard and enjoyed it.

A highlight was wearing the hair nets.

 We are still in the open your mouth to smile phase. :)

Red faced after a picnic at the park and playing on the playground.

Layla made some clothes for Minnie and Mickey.

She also had to participate in "reverence training" after some consistently wild behavior at church, fhe, scriptures, and a visit from our Bishop. Each day, for a week she practiced sitting reverently. Sometimes I would turn on a conference talk and sometimes she just had to sit quietly (only for like two minutes each time). We put stickers on a paper every time she was reverent. Sometims she even earned two at a time! The training has paid off and we've seen some good progress.

Especially bad picture of the first soccer game when Kacin got to represent his team to meet with the refs and choose sides, but soccer season is well underway!