October 17, 2016

fall break fishing

We are at the tail end of our first extended fall break. The kids got two and a half weeks off of school. Which we all think was pretty great. It has been just long enough to get out and do some fun things, relax at home, read lots of books, and then start to feel ready for school to start again. 

Last week, we drove up to Payson. We caught a small glimpse of Fall up on the Mogollan Rim.


We pulled out the fishing poles when we got to the lake. Layla and Perry (mostly Perry) were so excited to go fishing. They had been looking forward to their first fishing trip for quite some time.

Thanks to my grandpa Neff and all of the fishing trips we took while I was in high school, I surprised my kids and knew way more about fishing than they thought I did.

Perry was as happy as lark with that fishing pole. He got quite tangled up many times, but wasn't bothered by it. One of my favorite moments of the day was sitting with him by that lake on a rock helping him to reel in his line. He was so content. And I was, too. Not many minutes later though, he had tripped into the lake and got wet up to his ankles. And that was the end of fishing for him. Without saying a word to us, he turned around and started walking right off. I followed him all the way back to the car and got him changed and settled into the warm car.   

Kyler was cold. We layered up with as many extra shirts and jackets that we had, but he was shivering. He did get out there and fish (no pictures, darn), but he was happy to get back to the car soon after Perry went.

Once we taught Kacin a few fishing tricks, he was loving it.

Layla had a blast with her fishing pole, too.

We didn't catch anything. But it was about the experience. It was a beautiful day on a beautiful lake.