July 30, 2016

back to school

We have failed our children. We moved to Arizona and we discovered that not one of our children can correctly say "saguaro".

I guess it's time for a real education as an Arizonian.

And so, after a short 4 week summer vacation, it was back to school for these kids.

Kyler started 7th grade. He is in Jr High this year, which hasn't been a huge adjustment for him since he went to middle school last year. He is a pro at switching classes and managing his time and schedule. He is in honors classes again. And he is pretty excited for his two electives this semester--guitar and Spanish. He has already found some cool friends at school. He is independent, friendly and oh so smart. I know this year will be a great one for him!

Kacin is in 6th grade. He is top dog at the elementary school, again. He has a super nice teacher. And Kacin is stoked to be a part of the band this year and to learn to play percussion. After one week at a new school, he was also elected his class representative in the student council. He is a natural leader. He is brave, bright, and has a wonderful sense of humor. He is just awesome like that (words from his speech when they voted on class representatives).

Perry is in Kindergarten in the ADPTS (autism) program at his elementary school. He has really enjoyed his new school. His language is increasing exponentially. He has a very energetic young teacher this year. His program will include some cooking and gardening projects, which I'm sure he will love. He has been so proud to show me the work he has brought home. He is such a bright little boy and he is growing more and more each day. We are so proud of him.

Layla is off to half day kindergarten this year (with the plan that she will go to full day kindergarten at the elementary school next year). She is soooo unbelievably excited to start at a big school with a new teacher and friends. She has been counting down the days (her first official day is tomorrow). She is also starting a musical theater class tomorrow--she is pretty excited for that as well! She is such a helpful, sweet, and thoughtful little girl. She will shine in half day kindergarten!

We are excited for all that this new school year holds for these four wonderful people!