July 21, 2016

random things

It's time to start playing catch up here...And I'm starting with a few random pictures found on my phone.

Right after school got out in June, Kacin was off to 11 year old scout camp at cascade park. I dropped him off so he could catch a ride with a friend and he was so excited to take a picture first. 

Perry has become such a snuggler at bedtime. And, for a while there, when he woke up in the morning, if Eric was already gone, he loved to jump into Eric's spot on my bed. Which means that those days in which he would stay in his bed waiting for us to come and get him out are officially over. He has discovered he can get out of his own bed.

I took pictures of these cards that were hanging on the bulletin board in the primary room at church.

Perry had his last day doing ABA therapy at NBA. Layla was sure to document when I was talking to his program supervisor. I find so many photos on my phone because of that girl.