August 18, 2015

Mission: Possible, YW Camp 2015, Tuesday

Incredible things happen at YW camp because we are in a beautiful, dedicated camp and love, friendship, and the Spirit of the Lord abound. It would take me a long time to recap all of the amazing and wonderful things that happened while at girls camp. I'll try to record the highlights though.

We arrived at camp on Tuesday morning. Suzanne and I tried to be the first ones up there to get checked in and sort out a few logistical details and get ready for a busy day. On the first day, in our stake, all of the level leaders, cooks, YCLs and 4th years arrive at camp. 

The 4th years leave right away with their hike leaders for an overnight backpacking experience. The rest of us get organized, set up, decorate, etc. for the girls who arrive the next day.

Suzanne and I ran around like crazy all day. We were tracking people down, putting out fires, and making decisions left and right (where to set up the nurses tent, which direction to put the tables, getting rats out of the shed, squirrel nests and bees out of the cabins,passing out t-shirts, getting everyone checked in, etc.). I can't imagine what chaos might have ensued if we didn't have so many wonderful people helping out and carrying out their responsibilities so well. 

We got the Stake Leaders area all set up. Our Secret Spy Agency was the MTC (Make Today Count). I adore each of these ladies!

One of my favorite moments of the whole week happened on Tuesday. The Stake YW presidency gathered the YCLs. Our YW President shared an encouraging and inspirational message to these beautiful young women about leadership and their role as YCL's. Then we placed a tub of warm water at each girl's feet. They soaked their feet and washed them off. The stake leaders went around and rubbed each girl's feet (who wanted it) with sweet smelling lotion. They gave them fresh, cute socks to place on after the pampering.

As I carried tubs of water back and forth and passed out socks and observed the scene, a sense of reverence and beauty and love came over me. We sat in a field surrounded by towering trees and the wide sky above. All was calm. While leaders lovingly sat at girl's feet, they talked quietly with each other. These stake leaders humbly served. They set the example as to how a leader leads--by serving and loving and getting to work. 

My thoughts kept drifting back to our Savior and his ministry on the earth. He taught "he that is greatest among you shall be your servant" (matt. 23:11). Christ loved and humbly served, even himself washing the feet of the apostles. He came "as he that serveth" (luke 22:27). Likewise, He wants us to serve and love. Sometimes we are on the serving end and sometimes the receiving end, but, either way, love, humility, unity and joy increases through service.