August 27, 2015

Kalaloch, part 1

After girls camp, I had three nights in my own bed before we left for Kalaloch.

Layla was the family photographer while in the car. There were at least 30 pictures similar to this one and many 2 sec. videos as well on my phone.

She did capture these moments as well.

And then she looked like this when I made her give me my phone back. Oh, the tears.

Kyler really is this amazing big brother. He let Perry sleep like this on him for about an hour. His arm went numb, but he sacrificed for his little brother. What love he has!

We had our first experience at an RV park with our trailer. There are a lot of nice people in this world willing to lend a hand when you are parking your trailer for the first time. And isn't this a beautiful place?

Kalaloch did not disappoint. Not one bit.

Our first full day there happened to be my birthday.

I got to go on a bike ride with my boys at sunset.

They took me to their tree fort for the first time. Um, I kinda wish I didn't know that was where they play each year we are here. There are a lot of big drops.

You can see the tree fort better here when we walked along the beach the next day. Don't get me wrong, it's really cool. But as a mama of daring boys with no fear, it makes me a bit worried.

We spent most of our time at the beach in the sand.

And in the water. Kyler was our biggest fish. I thought he would turn blue out there. We had to make him come in from the waves to warm up.

Perry really wanted that skim board to go like he saw his brothers and dad do.

A highlight for me was also a long walk to the end of Kalaloch beach with my boys.

Layla was a gatherer of shells and rocks during the week. She had Kyler's help in trying to find the best white ones.

We cooked hot dogs one night for dinner. Layla was quite the hot dog maker. I don't think she actually ate any of her blackened dog. It's the experience that counts. We discovered Perry loves fire. 

And he has no problem eating an ash, dirt covered hot dog (It's hard to keep that stick still).

In the background is our shelter for the week. The trailer made bedtime, cooking, and playing games at night so much easier.

Kyler saved all of his papers and folders from 5th grade to bring up to Kalaloch. He wanted to watch it all burn. 

That is a fake sad in seeing it all go up in flames.


We brought all of our bikes for family bike rides around the campground. Layla was also happy playing on her new scooter.

I tiptoed out of the trailer one morning before all of the kids were up and went down to the beach. I spread out my towel and did a few sun salutations in the sand. Now yoga on the beach is a pretty beautiful and peaceful way to start your day. I was grateful for that moment.

Hello, sun!