November 2, 2014

Halloween 2014

Happy Halloween from Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, a monkey, and a mouse (with a tutu)!

The night before, at the ward trunk or teat, it was Harry, Ron, and two little Toy Story aliens gathering candy. 

Perry came home and stashed all of his candy in the fridge.

Earlier that morning, Layla had been Minnie Mouse at her preschool Halloween celebration.

The day before that, she dressed up as Rapunzel for a Halloween party. We got a lot of use out of the dress up box this year!

It was a rainy Halloween night. That didn't stop our older boys from bringing home more candy than should be allowed one person, even on a Halloween night. Kyler counted 212 pieces of candy and 2 full size candy bars after he had eaten some and shared some with his favorite parents.

While Perry loves trick or treating and probably wishes his legs were longer so he could've kept up with his big brothers and their friends, Layla was finished after three houses. She just sat herself down in the middle of the sidewalk and said she was done. We convinced her to keep going a little while longer. She loved it when we caught up to her friend Ava.

Perry was in heaven with all that candy. He has such a sweet tooth. When we got home, in between bites of chocolate, he made a line of candy.

Layla went for the grapes first, but she got into this candy eating freedom, too.

Happy Halloween!