March 31, 2014

these days

I think I know the reason why Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is now listed as most popular on my Netflix now:
Perry. He is obsessed with it and we have given in to letting him watch it multiple times a day. I tell myself it is good speech practice because sometimes he will imitate the words and phrases. At least now that our Frozen dvd arrived Monday he has let us mix it up a little and will sometimes watch that instead. The boys never got away with watching this much TV.  I guess I've adopted the philosophy of that song that we've all heard thousands of times, "Let it go!" Perry sure has turned our parenting style all around. I've definitely learned not to judge anyone with their kids. Every child is so different so while some parenting principles do stay the same, some things you have to do differently, especially with a child with special needs. E and I have lots of conversations about which battles to fight with him, what to let go of, what things do we stop doing as a family or be ok with getting a babysitter just for him, and what do we, no matter how hard it is, make him do and trust that with experience and time it will get easier. We are learning so much.

Kyler asked Eric to play ping pong with him one day. So they did. On the kitchen table with plates as paddles.

Every once in a while these two sit down side by side and play (for like 2 min). Layla with her Barbie's and Perry with his cars. That is, until he decides it would be fun to pop Barbie's head off.

Eric went to the parent teacher conferences this year for Kyler and Kacin. They are both doing well in school. Hooray! And a big hooray that Eric went and got to be there for his two oldest boys.

We had a day off of school so we spent the day having an early lunch with E at work, going to Perry's therapy, and playing at our favorite park.

The view out of our front window is so pretty.

Layla's broken leg means no climbing into a bathtub. We wash her from a bowl of water. And have fun playing with her hair.