October 7, 2013

General Conference and those PJ's

Between traveling (we spent the weekend in Idaho!) and small kids, I probably got to listen to a little less than a good half of conference, but I'm always amazed and grateful for the talks that I do get to listen to and the ways that they speak and strengthen and encourage me. And what is so great is that I can listen to the ones I missed online this week, and study the words again when a copy of the Ensign arrives at my home next month.

October conference for the Allred's also means matching pajama outfits! I disappointed Kacin by not getting footsie pajamas like he wanted, but we went with a Mickey/Minnie theme to make it easy for my parents to join in the matching fun (can you picture my dad in footsies? I think not.). This pajama set wasn't my first, or second choice, but when you don't plan ahead you work with one quick stop at the Disney store, and tada! We were all unified in our attire for conference listening and driving home.

Except Eric changed out of his black shorts, my mom changed out of her shirt, my dad had left by the time we took a picture, and, with such a busy family, I don't know if I will ever have time to brush my hair again. With that being said, here's what you get. Ha--D's position and face make me laugh.