July 3, 2013

Oh, So Perfectly Ordinary Days

Well this may be a mix of bad phone and bad lighting pictures,
but this is what I have right now.
Just regular days, and regular pictures.

I am loving having my kids home.
Just loving 
watching Kacin playing dress up as he folds the laundry.

Then there's L in daddy's hat.

Thanks to her older brother, Kyler, this girl also goes around humming the tune to Star Wars.

Look at D right after breakfast with oatmeal running down his shirt. Nice.
Before I could help him down and clean him up he had taken to rocking back forth
and made his high chair move across the kitchen and turn completely around.

I taught Kacin how to play the card game Spit, and now he is a big fan. That's all he wanted to do for days. For this game, the boys pulled out the big cards.

And here was a spur of the moment trip to a fun place on a rainy day.

These are some good days!
Barb said...

First, I must say how smart you were to name him Kacin Allen, because wearing a costume while folding clothes, doing homework, cooking food, going to the post office, is an Allen normal. Second, I know you are an amazing teacher, but I didn't know you could teach a 2 year old to read such big books! Love, love . . .