April 25, 2013

Visiting Grandpa Allen

Photography by Kyler

I love being in the presence of this man.

My grandpa, Alvin Allen.
And I love the picture 
of beautiful Grandma 
sitting in the background.

On this particular day,
the day before we returned home,
I got to sit at his feet
and hear the story
about when he was four years old or so
and found a stash of candy in someones barn,
a lot of candy.
He ate it all,
and what do you know,
he got so sick from that.

Grandpa always has a story.
93 years of them!
What a memory he has.

He is also good about remembering YOU.
He listens
and asks you questions
which makes you feel cared about.
And he always has treats to share.

I'm so glad
for moments
to spend
with Grandpa.