October 29, 2012

This and That

Every time Kyler says the family prayer before bed, he asks that the babies won't cry when we put them to bed. Sometimes that's the only thing he says in his prayer.

I was so worried about the boys riding the bus to school this year. I had every reason to be. Especially when the bus driver assigns my little 2nd grader to sit with two 5th grade boys. They were mean ones they were. They teased and called names and it went too far when one of them whacked Kacin on the head. I called the school and thought we got the issue addressed, so it broke my heart when  Kacin came home again and told me some more terrible things the boys had said and done. I called the school again and I'm hopeful it will be resolved this time.

Each week Kacin comes home with perfect scores on his spelling tests.

Kyler has embraced third grade with triple the amount of homework that he's ever had. This week he even started using his bus time wisely and gets as much homework done on the bus as he can. That means more time to play at home!

After a two month break, I think I've decided to start taking piano lessons again. But I'm reducing my lesson time to just once a month. Better than nothing, I suppose.

E humored me and took our family of 6 out to eat at a sit down restaurant. He told me just the idea of it stressed him out. But I was so wanting to get out of the house on that rainy day. I convinced Kacin we should and he in turn convinced His dad. I sat by D and E was next to L and we all did good. Yeah for getting out of the house together!

Jenna Allen said...

Yay! Love you! I'm so sorry to hear about kacin. You should put him in jiu jitsu