June 19, 2012

I am so tempted to make a list right now of all the things I want to complain about. It would be a long list too. But then later I would go back and read it and be embarrassed that I felt the need to post about laundry and husbands not at home and cramps and a screaming child and a serious lack of ice cream in our freezer life's little everyday challenges. I know very well how blessed I am. But I also know that if tomorrow morning it is not sunny I am hopping on a plane to AZ.
Stefanie Hyer said...

Or Texas!!!!!!???????????? YES COME!!!! My hubby has been gone these past 2 weekends and not home until 11 PM each night! NOT FUN! We can keep eachother company! You are welcome ANYTIME!!!!

Holly Decker said...

you rock. amen. xo