June 19, 2012

The Caldecott Challenge

It is quite the accomplishment for an 8 year old.
He read all 74 Caldecott award winners
+1 when he accidently checked out the wrong book.
But that is not all.
He read them all
AND also
reflected on all 74
(+1 and +a couple he reflected on twice
because he forgot he already had written about them).

At first, Ky was so excited about this challenge.
Then the excitement fizzled out.
Then he dreaded being told which books he had to read.
Then he got in a rhythm and felt good about it.
Then he felt worried he wouldn't finish.
And finally, the last two weeks,
he became determined and motivated himself
to get his final 18 done.
He worked hard
and we think he is awesome for sticking with it
and finishing.
Kyler rocks!
Andrea said...

I'm totally impressed!

Stefanie Hyer said...

That is so awesome of him! Good job Kyler! You are an inspiration to us all! To have a goal and stick to it and accomplish it! Great job!