April 3, 2012

Destination: Orlando, FL

When we found out E had
to travel again
for work
to Orlando, Florida
and that his conference happened to be during
our spring break
we could not pass up the opportunity
to tag along
and take advantage of a week of hotels
and E's plane ticket compliments of The work.
We planned a family vacation!
I was dying to tell the boys about our trip
from day one,
because I was too excited to keep it in.
E made me wait
so I just blabbed about it to everyone else.
We ended up telling them a little less than a month before the trip
so we could anticipate and be excited together.
And we were!
We left on a Tuesday
after mornings at school, teaching, and work.
We caught our plane at 2pm WA time
and arrived at 1:15am FL time.
Kacin letting Polo and Giraffy look out the window with him