April 3, 2012

1: Animal Kingdom

We ran on 5 hours of sleep that first day.
I guess it was more of a speed walk than a run,
but we went as fast as our legs could go
to get to everything we wanted to do at the Animal Kingdom.
Kacin was super excited to ride
Expedition Everest first.
We even waited for the front.
this thrilling ride was a bit more than he expected
and he was pretty shook up afterwards.
Kyler? I have yet to find any ride or dangerous feat
that shakes him up!
E loved the Safari ride
and I'm sure would've been happy riding it again and again.
Instead, the ride we rode over and over
E wouldn't even go on
and I could've passed on the spinney part--
the Primeval Whirl.
Animal Kingdom
was very zoo like.
We passed on looking at most of the animals
and called it an early day
around 5:30pm
so we could get a good night's sleep
and adjust to the time change.
A few more pictures from the day  . . .

Stefanie Hyer said...

Wow! So fun!!!! You look so adorable! You and your family!