November 2, 2011


From the land of Narnia,
I present to you
High King Peter
And Prince Caspian

We made it to the ward Trunk or Treat on Saturday.
On Halloween, we made our homemade rootbeer

and then we were off to a yummy dinner at the Stocks house.
We Trick or Treated down their street then ours.
Eric proudly displayed our jack o lanterns on the porch:
the cyclops, the owl, and the car

Eric and I have been so busy
that we didn't have time to plan our own costumes.
But we received a big treat on Halloween--
we closed on our house!!

It has been a 3 and a half month short sale process
but we now have a home here in Washington!
We are painting and cleaning
and slowly moving in.
More pictures and details will come soon.
Stefanie Hyer said...

Yes, I definitly need more pics of your new house! P.S. You have mail coming your way (hoping it will be your first in your new house!). LOVE your pumpkins!!! Mine are always traditional... and now I think they are boring compared to yours! I hope to aspire to something great next year! Your boys look so cute! You guys are so great at putting costumes together!! Again... I always aspire to be more like you Laura!! Keep up the great work with life and your family! Much love to you guys!!!

Mike said...

Awesome costumes. Looks like you guys had fun for Halloween.