April 21, 2011


I was part of a Relief Society meeting last week
on Provident Living
teaching a mini-lesson with two friends
on Frugal Home management.
And so I was thinking about some of my frugal ways . . .
these are the things that I did not share
during our discussion on Wednesday,
probably for good reason,
which could very well become a weird list of things I've done
You Know You are
{Frugal, a Cheapskate, Thrifty, Crazy} When . . .
*You don't buy garbage bags for the first 5 years of marriage
(that's what Target and grocery bags are for . . . especially when there is only 2 of you)
*You bring pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters to buy a pizza for dinner (a way to use up all the change you save in that jar!)
*Even though your cell phone is the biggest piece of junk and never works right, you wait out the two years just to get a free phone
*Most of the pens and pencils you have around the house, you collected at the last National Math conference you went to
*You haven't bought a gift bag in at least 6 years
*You haunt the thrift stores in search for Christmas presents and snow boots
*You ration the bread
*You have a contest with your husband to see who can make a roll of toilet paper last longer
*You walk long distances to your destination to avoid paying for parking

And the funny thing is
I'm sure this list of mine could go on and on
with all the weird, cheap things I've done.

But we've never been in debt.:)
Jacqui said...

so that T.P. contest... how is that at all fair? He is a boy and you are home way more than him. Don't tell me that you won...

Stefanie Hyer said...

I love all your creativity and frugalness!

Jenna Allen said...

Hahaha! The TP game is my favorite... :)

Cheryl said...

You have no idea how much I miss you guys!!! This post just made me wish we could sit around and exchange tips. Maybe I'll email you some of mine so they aren't published and publicly mocked online!

But isn't it great to be debt-free??????

Love you lots!!!

Cheryl said...

You have no idea how much I miss you guys!!! This post just made me wish we could sit around and exchange tips. Maybe I'll email you some of mine so they aren't published and publicly mocked online!

But isn't it great to be debt-free??????

Love you lots!!!

j2nielsen said...

you guys are so funny! love it!